
COP21 Paris results in historic global agreement

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The United Nations COP21 meeting in Paris has just ended and has resulted in the first international agreement to control CO2 emissions. The delegates agreed to enact measures to keep temperature increase below 2°C (3.6°F), to balance emissions and sinks in the second half of this century, to review progress every 5 years and to earmark $100 billion to help developing countries achieve these goals.

The agreement is largely seen as a success, with the BBC’s Matt McGarth stating: “More than anything though the deal signifies a new way for the world to achieve progress - without it costing the Earth. A long term perspective on the way we do sustainability is at the heart of this deal. If it delivers that, it truly will be world changing.”

It will take more time to evaluate what these plans mean for the planet’s oceans. Certainly reducing warming and acidification will benefit the marine environment.

For those inclined, the UN has posted a pdf version of the full agreement. Similarly, the BBC has posted a summary of the outcome of COP21