

BBC India features whale shark rescuer Photo

BBC India features whale shark rescuer

BBC India has reported on the remarkable story of Dinesh Goswami of the Prakruti Nature Club, Gujarat, India who has saved over 500 whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) by persuading local fishermen and politicians to protect them. When sharks become inadvertently tangled in fishing nets, Dinesh and his team record the animals statistics and the GPS location, before cutting the nets to release them.

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Snapping shrimp are the honeybees of the sea Photo

Snapping shrimp are the honeybees of the sea

Snapping shrimp, whose several different species are known for their pistol-like pincher movement, have another more interesting bit of trivia about them: they are eusocial. These shrimp are one of the only known marine species to share the responsibilities of raising young. This characteristic is most recognizable in honeybees. Colonies of snapping shrimp most typically live in sponges and have one queen. Scientists have recently focused on their social network.

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Using AIS and satellite data to track illegal fishing vessels Photo

Using AIS and satellite data to track illegal fishing vessels

Conservationists are using algorithms and satellite data to help combat illegal fishing on the high seas and in marine protected areas. Environmentalists from Oceana have published data acquired from four separate case studies showing how illegal fisherman turn off their AIS (Automated Identification System) when entering marine protected waters and then turn it back after exiting. Often times these locations are home to highly lucrative fish, including tuna, sharks, and other protected fisheries.

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